Agility Guided Course
Analysing courses & handling for advanced handlers
What will you learn?
*This course is currently closed, next release TBA*
This guided course in the OneMind Dogs forum involves analysing an advanced-level agility course with OneMind Dogs Coach Katelyn Scott. You will break down and train parts of the course, where Katelyn will give handling suggestions to suit different teams. Each team will try the different options and time their efforts to learn what handling works best for them. Learn to see courses from a whole new perspective!
Who can join in?
All dogs and handlers who train or compete on advanced-level courses can join this guided course as our Coaches will work with you at your own level. However, we recommend handlers have a look at the OneMind Dogs handling techniques before taking this guided course, to make training easier and more fun for you and your dog.
*This course is currently closed, next release TBA*
Not a premium member yet?
Guided course are an included bonus for our Agility Premium members. We often hear that people really love to be part of the community that we have created at OneMind Dogs. And it’s no surprise as, alongside working spots in all of our guided courses, you can look forward to…
- A forum, where you can share and discuss all things agility and dogs with like-minded people.
- A coach network who hold live events supported with homework from the OneMind Dogs learning platform.
- A team of agility and dog experts available at your finger tips (just click the chat bubble)!
- Unlimited access to course maps, obstacle training, Foundation for Agility, handling techniques, mental training and much more.
- Regular new training content from the founders so you stay up to date with our infinite learning and development.
Agility PREMIUM monthly
30-day FREE trial, cancel any time- Professional, easy-to-follow lessons and programs
- Guided courses with an online coach
- Personal video feedback included
- Foundation for Agility program
- Obstacle training, handling techniques, course analysis, mental training, ring stress, distance handling and more!
Agility PREMIUM 6 months
automatically recurring- Professional, easy-to-follow lessons and programs
- Guided courses with an online coach
- Personal video feedback included
- Foundation for Agility program
- Obstacle training, handling techniques, course analysis, mental training, ring stress, distance handling and more!
Agility PREMIUM 12 months
Once-off payment- Professional, easy-to-follow lessons and programs
- Guided courses with an online coach
- Personal video feedback included
- Foundation for Agility program
- Obstacle training, handling techniques, course analysis, mental training, ring stress, distance handling and more!
Why choose OneMind Dogs?
- OneMind Dogs Coaches have extensive experience and knowledge in course analysis.
- Agility will be a lot easier for your team if your handling is clear and confident.
- You will learn to understand your dog's perspective and handle agility the way your dog naturally understands it.
- You will get access to 400+ agility lessons as well as the Agility for Puppies and Beginner Dogs online program!
I’m already a Premium member. What do I do?
*This course is currently closed, next release TBA*
Join the story of OneMind Dogs
"I love the philosophy of connection with our dogs. Thinking of handling and the course from the dog's perspective changes the whole game!"

I love OneMind Dogs! It changed my whole perspective. Now I understand more that I need to learn things that my dog already knows