by OneMind Dogs Team | May 29, 2023 | Agility handling techniques, Competitive agility
Dog agility handlers come in all shapes and sizes, there are no barriers to playing agility with your dog! At OneMind Dogs we believe that agility is one of the most inclusive sports in the world and that everyone should play agility games with their dogs! Having said...
by OneMind Dogs Team | May 9, 2023 | Dog health and wellness
At OneMind Dogs, we believe that dog sports are more than just competitive events! They are a celebration of the incredible bond between humans and their dogs. A testament to the strength, agility, and intelligence of our canine friends. Dog sports offer an...
by OneMind Dogs Team | Dec 6, 2022 | Puppy training, Puppy troubleshooting
Getting your first puppy is one of the most exciting moments in your life. You want to tell the whole world how cute, amazing, and wonderful they are. Your phone is already full of pictures. Trust us, you’ll only fall more in love. Now that you’ve gotten the world’s...
by OneMind Dogs Team | Dec 3, 2022 | Puppy training, Puppy troubleshooting
Puppies love just about everything, especially their walks! Going outside is a big adventure for a puppy. Naturally, they’re curious about the world, all the sights, smells, and sounds make them eager to see as much as possible. This can lead to leash pulling, which...
by OneMind Dogs Team | Nov 5, 2022 | Agility handling techniques, Competitive agility
OneMind Dogs Assistant Coach Attila Varga often trains and competes with a wide variety of dogs. His handling and training proves that the OneMind Dogs method applies to any kind of dog. There are always differences between individual dogs, so you may choose...
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