One of the best parts about having such a diverse community of agility enthusiasts is hearing all of the stories of how OneMind Dogs came into people’s lives. Today, we’ll hear about OneMind Dogs community member Jacqui Angus’ journey with us.

Customer stories
The soul of OneMind Dogs lies in our amazing community. Read stories from OneMind Dogs members around the globe — you’ll laugh, shed a tear, or maybe both.
Language and location are no barrier to Heidi’s training
No matter your location, language, age or experience — OneMind Dogs is for everyone. In this post, we’re sharing Heidi’s story of her experience with OneMind Dogs guided courses.
Lynn Madden’s OneMind Dogs Journey
Lynn Madden from Parkes, Australia took her first agility class about six years ago with her dog Cooper and immediately loved it. About six months later, after taking some more classes, Lynn thought it would be great to compete too. Living in a small town, four...
Junior Handler Ann And Deaf Dog Stella Qualify For Crufts!
Nine year old junior handler Ann Crawford and her mum Fiona love to play agility with their American Cocker Spaniel, Stella. Young Ann took over Stella’s training in March 2019 with the help of her instructor, Irene Hull from K9ARC. Stella is deaf, so Irene knew that...
How Another Deaf Border Collie Taught Another Handler How to Listen
Everyone knows Tekla, the deaf dog behind the OneMind Dogs method. But OneMind Dogs enthusiast Guillermo has his own story of how a deaf Border Collie taught him how to listen. Guillermo tells: “Aidan was part of our first litter and the...
Stormy – from a stressed-out dog to state champion in agility
Border Collie Stormy is OneMind Dogs Instructor Lynn Madden's teammate in agility. Together, they've gone through a journey of transforming Stormy from being stressed out in competitions into an agility state champion. "Stormy is an amazing girl. We...

Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners.