OneMind Dogs Coach Niki Drage has felt truly at home since being part of the OneMind Dogs community, something that was previously missing in her much-loved hobby and passion of agility. “One of the greatest things about being in the OneMind Dogs community, is feeling like you’re part of a giant, inclusive, supportive and passionate family. Every time I catch up with my OneMind Dogs family, no matter where they are in the world, it feels like I’m coming home.”
Australian OneMind Dogs Enthusiast Fiona Watts has a similar perspective “The OneMind Dogs family picks you up on your bad agility days and celebrates your successes on the good ones. Always giving you a plan for great things.”
OneMind Dogs Instructor Lynn Madden is especially thankful for the supportive community this year! “The OneMind dogs community is the most supportive group of people I’ve met. It’s been a tough year for me personally and the people in this community both here in Australia and across the world have kept me positive and moving forward. I am so lucky to have found this group of people, they are my family and I’m extremely grateful for each of them.”
At OneMind Dogs customer service we often receive feedback about how much it means to our customers to be part of such a connected and supportive community and how it changed their agility journey. We are thrilled that the spirit of OneMind Dogs is reflected so genuinely in our global community of dog lovers.
We asked some of our members to describe the OneMind Dogs community in one word. The result is a true reflection of the OneMind Dogs spirit: