5 places to find support for puppy training

July 16, 2020
puppy training support

Puppy blues. Ever heard of it? 

It’s that ‘Oh my gosh what have I gotten myself into’ feeling that almost every new puppy parent experiences. It’s walking in the door to your bundle of energy having exploded another dog bed, shredded the puppy pads and left a nice surprise in the middle of the room – and just wanting to cry. 

Some liken the feeling to having the human baby blues – not to say that you get the same level of sleep deprivation, but sometimes it can feel pretty close. 

And no matter how cute the puppy, it’s perfectly normal to experience feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed and even guilty. 

So, does it ever end? How is it possible to manage it while living your (also very important) human life?


A problem shared is a problem halved, and you’re never alone with puppy problems – we can guarantee that thousands of other tired puppy parents are feeling exactly the same. 

Where to find support for puppy training 

When you’re looking for people or places to find support, it’s important to remember that helpful, encouraging support from well-meaning people with experience is the best option. Raising and training a puppy can attract a variety of different viewpoints, methods and opinions, but in the end it’s up to you to decide what you’re comfortable with. 

Friends and family 

Of course, friends and family with dogs and puppies are a great place to start. It’s easy to talk to them, and they can sometimes even help you out by taking care of your puppy for a few hours or a day for you to have some much needed ‘me time’.

Breeder and littermates 

If you bought your puppy from a breeder, try to stay in touch with your puppy’s littermates. Having contact with puppy parents with the same age and breed is a lifesaver at times because chances are, they’re having the same issues you are. Your breeder should also be happy to help you out with any issues you have. 

And if you adopted your puppy from a shelter, most shelters are also happy to give advice and support to new adoptive parents – so don’t be afraid to give them a call. 

Professional trainers 

Of course, the most reliable option for puppy training support and advice is a professional trainer. If you can find one in your area and can afford it (trainers can charge into the hundreds for 1-1 consultation), they often have years of knowledge and experience. 

Public Facebook groups and forums 

It’s a rule of law: no matter what topic you’re interested in, there’s a Facebook group for it. Same goes for puppies, dogs and training – there are literally hundreds. 

You can find one for your specific breed, location and style of training, and there’s often thousands of people with pups just like yours. 

Something to keep in mind, though, is the nature of Facebook itself. As awesome and easy as it is to get in touch with likeminded people, it’s hard to know who’s advice to trust.


Private Facebook groups and forums 

An alternative to the mixed bag of advice you might get on a public Facebook group, private Facebook groups run by trainers or companies are becoming more common. They’re moderated, run by professionals and the members are generally super helpful and respectful. 

For our Puppy Training members, OneMind Dogs has a private community on Facebook too! Right now, all of our members are training together with our CEO Noora’s brand new puppy – Spider the Sausage Dog

Haven’t signed up yet? You can grab your 7-day free trial below.

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