5 Easy steps to stop pulling on a leash

Is your puppy pulling on the leash?
Do you want your walks to be relaxed and stress-free?

We are so excited to have you join our webinar “5 steps to stop pulling on a leash”. Puppies pull on the leash because they’re interested in what’s in the environment, haven’t yet learned patience, and haven’t learned to stay close to us when we’re outside walking together. They want to explore all the interesting stuff right away!

The good news is we can teach these skills with fun and easy exercises you can practice in just a few minutes each day.

In this webinar, you’ll learn five easy steps you can start practicing right away to stop pulling on a leash and make walks fun!

After the webinar, we will send you a recording and a series of emails that deep-dive into the 5 Top tips to succeed with your puppy that we discussed during the webinar, so please make sure to tick the "allow communications" box in the registration form if you wish to receive those. 


About OneMind Dogs

The OneMind Dogs method is all about the dog’s point of view. Everything we teach in Agility is about seeing the world from your dog’s perspective, and having fun together. 100,000 happy dogs with 50,000 happy owners have used the OneMind Dogs method, and to put it simply: it just works.

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