Dog Agility Skills: 3 steps to consistent contacts
A free webinar for agility enthusiasts looking to improve their contact performance.
We can't wait to show you our webinar “3 steps to consistent contacts in agility”. Ever have that feeling that, in training, your contacts are perfect but the moment you step into the ring ~poof~ what is a yellow zone? Then this is the webinar for you! We are going to dive into the three factors that play a role in keeping the contact the opposite of lava! Sounds too good to be true? Join us to make that goal attainable.
In this webinar, you’ll learn 3 simple things you can start practicing right away to have the consistency of your dreams.
Please fill out the form and we will send you a recording of the webinar and a series of emails that give more details on the 3 factors playing a role in your success and how to get started, so please make sure to tick the "allow communications" box in the registration form if you wish to receive those.
Register for the FREE webinar by filling in the form below.

About OneMind Dogs
The OneMind Dogs method is all about the dog’s point of view. Everything we teach in Agility is about seeing the world from your dog’s perspective, and having fun together. 100,000 happy dogs with 50,000 happy owners have used the OneMind Dogs method, and to put it simply: it just works.